We commit ourselves for life as consecrated women to proclaiming the Gospel, the Good News of Salvation to those who do not know Christ yet, while working to build a new world according to the plan of God. In this way we desire to be seeds of unity and hope especially among the poor.
Attentive to the hopes and desires of the peoples to whom we are sent and who welcome us, our desire is to make God known and loved through:
Personal and community witness of our Faith in Jesus Christ
Primary evangelization and catechesis, for a clear and unequivocal proclamation of our faith in Jesus Christ
Social, medical and educational works for full human development.
Special attention to the education and formation of women, working with them for the recognition of their value and dignity, in society and in the Church
Our commitment to the promotion of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, choosing active non-violence as life-style.
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue.
Collaboration with the local Church, so as to help the Christian communities to grow and to open them to universal mission, also collaborating with the laity.